Altar Servers

Being an Altar Server at St. Joseph Church is both a privilege and an honor. Altar Servers assist the Priest in his sacred duty to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the re-presentation of the one sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Servers are important in carrying out the work of the liturgy in a smooth and reverent fashion. 

"Serve Jesus present in the Eucharist generously. It is an important task that enables you to be particularly close to the Lord and to grow in true and profound friendship with him."

— Pope Benedict XVI

Boys and girls in fourth grade and above and adult men are welcome to serve. Training sessions are offered, and upon completion, new altar servers are added to the schedule.

If you or your child feel called to serve the community in this unique capacity, please fill out the respective form below or call the Parish Office at (419) 447-5848. Your dedication to this ministry is greatly valued!

Student Servers

For elementary students (grades 4-8), service involves a rotational commitment for evening Masses, along with assistance during funerals throughout the week. High school servers are scheduled for early morning weekday Masses, as well as the Sunday 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM Masses.

For high school and college-aged students, we have a Masters of Ceremonies program for our Solemnity Masses. This group of devoted young men serve at Masses such as Christmas, Easter, All Saints’ Day, and other important liturgical celebrations. If you are interested in this program, please select the appropriate option below.

Adult Servers

Our adult altar servers work in teams of two and serve at the 7:30 AM Sunday Masses. If available, they will also serve at funeral Masses.

Please fill out the form below or contact Deacon Dave to learn more and schedule training.